Aaron Lohr, Concerned Citizen

Welcome to my blog. I write about actual news stories. Sure, I joke a lot, but I include citations to prove that the source of my jibber jabber is real. You can't make this stuff up. If you've come across a strange news story, send it my way. I'm now on twitter at: https://twitter.com/#!/AaronLohr

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Location: Maryland, United States

I like to move it move it.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Trip to the Deer Farm

My dad likes to garden, just like his dad before him. And some day, when I have enough land, it's very likely that I will buy a trampoline. I know some people say they're dangerous, but believe it or not, they're more scared of us than we are of them. If though, I suffer a horrendous trampoline accident (like "trampoline knees", "trampoline ankles", or "pierced skull a la trampoline")I will probably turn my attention to gardening.

What's not to like? You get to spend quality time outdoors, see the literal fruit of your labor, and create a bustling new ecosystem all in one fell swoop. Why, life was pretty boring as a kid until the gardening season came. All that boring snow, ruining my learning and such. I learned early that ice skates were as much fun as "pierced lungs a la ice skates". Not as much fun as it sounds.

But when Spring came, we would start the work that would lead to the blossoming of flowers, the harvesting of delicious foods, and the inevitable bloody showdown between man and nature.

If you wanted those potatoes you were going to have to fight for them and Mother Nature has quite the arsenal. She'll hit you with floods, droughts, locusts, potato beetles, groundhogs, deer, strategic lightning strikes, and rampaging herds of sasquatch. The true gardener has an answer for all of these, and, if my dad has taught me anything, most of the time the answer is a shotgun.

A shotgun may not have too much impact on a drought, but boy do they make a mess of potato beetles. Of course as a young child, it wasn't appropriate for me to shoot a gun, so I had to resort to the ole mallet and cinderblock routine. Those beetles were merciless to those plants, and if not for the Hammer of Justice, I do believe they'd have locked up the democratic presidential nomination by now.

My dad tells me that the deer are now the principal offenders. They snack on the prettiest bushes, even when there's plenty of food elsewhere. I am convinced that it is the beauty they crave. I once saw a deer bounding in our backyard with a priceless Monet clenched firmly between its teeth. A few years ago I'm pretty sure I saw another deer insanely charge the sunset. Who knows where it ended up? From my morning commute, I'd probably say on the shoulder of East West Highway. Apparently it ran until its head fell off. Such determination...

With all the danger these guys represent, you can imagine my surprise when I read about a man who works incredibly hard on his garden so that the deer WILL EAT IT.

He calls it a deer farm. All the deer are free to frolic on his 200 acres and munch on the many plants that he worked so hard to grow. But he does it all for them. He wants them to enjoy it...to get the healthy food they need...to grow large and muscular...that's right...eat up my pretties...mwa ha...MWA HA...MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!

You see, he treats them like royalty until hunting season comes. And then he gets his friends together, dresses them in camo, puts shotguns in their hands and they go to town on those deer. The deer of course are shocked at this reversal of fortune. To be treated so kindly and given so many good things, and then to have the same person turn on you and ruin it all. Ya hear me George Lucas!!

Some of you, I'm sure, feel pity for the deer. Others of you are hunters and can appreciate the care given to the game animals. And others of you wonder if perhaps this new tactic of manipulation may draw the ire of that dastardly death-dealing beast known as the deercat. (see 1/4/05 and 12/14/06 blog entries).

The deercat has the body of a deer, but the head, tail, and carnivorous tendencies of a cat. It also has large adamantium antlers that are sharpend to spikes. It is also equipped with a side-mounted rocket launcher and night vision goggles. It sleeps 17 hours a day, grooms itself during most of its waking hours, and freezes when caught in headlights. Its rage at the world stems from the terrible scientific experiments that brought about its creation. For the injustice done to it, it seeks vengeance on all injustice. It also likes to be scratched behind the ears, but only for a little while. It will let you know when it's had enough. (have bandages nearby)

I think the farmer may not fully understand what he's gotten himself into until it's too late. There are only two scientists left that created that beast. The others died of various accidental causes ("shattered skull a la deer hooves", "pierced brain a la adamantium antler spikes", and "incinerated torso a la rocket explosion")
These scientists can still track the creature and they warn that it seems to be heading in the direction of this guy's farm. If it's a challenge he wanted, it appears that it is a challenge that he shall have. I suggest building a bunker a surrounding his property with trampolines.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Darth Vader Embarrasses Self, Human Race

You know all the best movies had great villains. Who'd want to watch the Wizard of Oz without the Wicked Witch? Or how about Jaws without ... Jaws.

I actually think any movie would be better if Jaws was in it. I'm not saying The Little Mermaid isn't a good movie, but if Jaws was in it guess what ... best movie ever. I can see it now... that touching scence with the lobster singing kiss the girl, while the girl and the prince are in the little boat. And then this fin swims by and the boat gets toppled and ... well...a memorable scence indeed.

Most film afficianados would likely agree that the best movie villain of all time is probably Arnold Schwarzenegger's brilliant turn as Mr. Freeze in Batman & Robin. Only the deep anguish that accompanies the loss of a loved spouse could inspire his chilling dialogue. Consider the following if you dare...

"I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy."

The chanelling of his torment into such unfeeling violence is both believable and unsettling.

"If revenge is a dish best served cold, then put on your Sunday finest. It's time to feast!"

If there were an academy award for smack-talking, this would be your winner.

"Let's kick some ice!"

Umm...well it's clever because ice kinda sounds like something else, so ... yeah

"Ice to see you"

Well that's pretty terrible. It actually makes my stomach hurt as if I had a glass of year-old milk.

"Cool party"

Man this movie sucked sewage. I hope whatever chimpanzee wrote the script has been punished accordingly. No smokes for a year!

So let's try this again. Most folks would agree that Darth Vader is one of the most memorable villains ever to hit the big screen. He was a ruthless killer who combined both heartlessness and cool calculating rage.

I always thought that if a villain like Darth Vader somehow jumped off the silver screen into the real world, we'd all be in for a world of pain (especially if it was Jaws and he like landed on your head).

But now I'm not so sure. The associated press reported on a story out of Wales that shows just how unexciting and actually sad a Vader attack would be in the present time.

Let's take this story apart piece by piece.

1. A man dressed up as Darth Vader wearing a garbage bag for a cape.

I think this might have been the full extent of his costume. If he did not actually shout out "Darth Vader" as he attacked, he'd probably be referred to as Garbage Bag Man or Crazy Drunk Guy.

2. He attacked a jedi church.

This makes me want to cry. Seriously, you nerds scare me. Some guy named Barney Jones founded a jedi church and his jedi name is Master Jonba Hehol. Like we don't have enough religions on this planet. I would not have wanted to sit next to this guy in the theater when he first had his revelation. "Yes! It all makes sense now. There's a great balance between good and evil and dad doesn't talk to me because he's probably a sith lord. Man Princess Leia is hot! I love linux and can recite the words to every Monty Python film!"

And why do you need a crazy jedi name. When Luke Skywalker became a jedi, he was still Luke wasn't he? It's not like Yoda used to be a guy named William Sullivan and then one day he was like "This economy is really heading for a dip. Forget this stock trading job. I found the force. Yoda my name is now. Yess.. Mee hee ha hee haaa."

3. The guy who dressed up like Vader said he doesn't remember the attack because he drunk the better part of a 2 and a half gallon box of wine beforehand.

Hahahahaha!!! Hahahahahah!!! HAAA!! Hahaha!! This is the best. This guy drank a big box of wine, put on a garbage bag, ran into the jedi church and yelled "Darth Vader! Jedis!"

He hits one guy on the head with a metal crutch and whacks another guy on his leg. I don't know why the jedis didn't use their force power to protect themselves. Probably because it's all fake. But anyway, there isn't a better time to take out your arch enemy than after they've downed a whole box of wine. I can see Vader in the corner trying to choke a houseplant to death. "You've failed me for the last time geranium! hiccup!"

Anyway, "Darth" is looking at jail time and the Jedis have their own sort of life sentence. So what's the lesson here? Boxed wine is for sipping. Seriously, two and a half gallons of any liquid could kill a yak.

Bonus blog
Transcript of a phone call between William Sullivan (Yoda) and one of his clients

Ring ring ... ring ring...

Yoda: Pressed to ear phone is yessss, mmmm heee,

Brad Wilson: Hi William. Look I've heard some things and I'd like to sell my shares in Apple.

Yoda: Good apples are. Buy them from you I would.

Brad: But the value is shrinking.

Yoda: Judge me by my size do you?

Brad: Well no. I don't think I've ever actually seen you. I think I'm just ready for something new.

Yoda: Ready are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi.

Brad: What? Look, my insider is my father and he assures me the stock is going to tank.

Yoda: Ahh, father. Powerful Jedi was he. Powerful Jedi.

Brad: I don't think my dad was a jedi, but he's got his fingers on the pulse of the stock market. Do you have any contacts like that?

Yoda: Good relations with the Wookies I have.

Brad: And what do they say?

Yoda: The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is.

Brad: William, why are you talking like this?

Yoda: No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions.

Brad: I don't understand.

Yoda: That is why you fail.

Brad: Alright, I'll try to understand.

Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.

Brad: Umm...look this is a bit much. I got to go.

Yoda: You must not go!

Brad: Well my kids are screamin'. One of them probably fell out of their chair or something so ..

Obi-Wan: You don't know that. Even Yoda cannot see their fate.

Brad: Who's that? And what's a Yoda?

Yoda: I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.

Obi Wan: He will learn patience.

Yoda: Much anger in him, like his father.

Brad: You don't know my father. Forget this. I'll find someone else to sell my shares. (hangs up)

Yoda: Begun, this clone wars has.